Premie Hal S2209

The Premie HAL® S2209 is a lifelike, wireless and tetherless 30-week preterm patient simulator designed to facilitate the training of residents and health care professionals in the areas of preterm airway management, resuscitation, stabilization, transport, and intensive care.



• Gestational age: 30-week preterm neonate
• Weight: 2.9 lb. (1.32 kg)
• Length: 15.71 inches (39.9 cm)
• Smooth and supple full-body skin
• Tetherless and wireless; fully responsive during transport
• Wireless control at distances up to 100 ft.
• Internal rechargeable battery provides hours of tetherless operation
• UNI® Tablet PC included
• Includes 5 preprogrammed SLEs and Facilitator’s Guidebook

• Lifelike and anatomically accurate oral cavity and airway
• Supports NG and OG tube placement
• Supports endotracheal intubation using standard adjuncts
• Selectable upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing

• Automatic, spontaneous breathing
• Programmable respiratory rates and I:E ratios
• Preprogrammed respiratory patterns and grunting
• Selectable normal and abnormal lung sounds
• Compliant lungs present visible chest rise following guideline recommended flow, PIP, and PEEP values
• Supports standard positive pressure ventilation devices including bag-valve-mask, resuscitators, mechanical ventilators, CPAP, and more
• Real-time PPV ventilation feedback via UNI control interface
• Programmable unilateral chest rise simulates pneumothorax
• Crying synchronized with breathing

• Central cyanosis with variable discoloration
• Includes comprehensive library of ECG rhythms with customizable beat variations
• Supports ECG monitoring using real devices
• Normal and abnormal heart sounds with adjustable rates
• eCPR™ Real-time quality feedback and reporting

Time to CPR
Compression depth/rate
Compression interruptions
Ventilation rate
Excessive ventilation
Smart CPR voice coach
CPR performance report
• Automatic and palpable pulses
• Pulse strength is blood pressure dependent
• Supports IV cannulation: bolus, infusion, and sampling
Dorsum of hand (bilateral)
Umbilical catheterization (UVC/UAC)
Dorsum of foot
• Intraosseous access at right tibia supports continuous infusion
• Temperature sensor placement detection
• Supports virtual pacing and defibrillation via Gaumard Vitals™ Virtual Patient Monitor
UNI® Simulator Control Interface
• Supports operation on-the-fly or by way of programmable scenarios
• 3D Patient Visualization
• Virtual patient monitor view
• Scenario designer
• Preprogrammed and editable scenario library
• eCPR™ – CPR quality monitor and trainer
• Hypoxia model
• Lab report designer
• Questionnaire form designer
• Time-stamped event logging and provider actions tracking

Gaumard Vitals™ Patient Monitor (Option)
• Customizable interface can mimic the look of various real patient monitor brands
• 20+ Dynamic scalars and waveforms including HR, ABP, SpO2, RR, EtCO2, temperature, time, and more
• Customizable alarms for vital sign parameter high/low threshold
• Virtual 12-Lead ECG Monitoring
• Data histogram
• Built-in virtual defibrillator and pacer
• Wireless data communication

Package Contents
• Premie HAL® S2209
• UNI® Tablet PC
• 5 Simulated Learning Experiences™
• Facilitator’s Guidebook
• Battery charger
• Replacement IV lower arms, IO inserts, umbilical cords
• Post cord-detachment navel
• Carrying case
• User manual
• 1 year standard warranty