HAL® S1000 Advanced Life Support and Emergency Care Wireless Simulator

The HAL® S1000 is a wireless, computer-controlled full-body patient simulation solution designed for immersive emergency response and advanced life support simulation-based training. HAL offers participants the opportunity to practice hands-on, using real equipment, and in real environments to improve knowledge, skills, and teamwork.

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• Full-body adult patient simulator
• Internal rechargeable battery provides up to 5 hrs. of tetherless operation

• Supports oral or nasal intubation
• Program tongue edema or laryngospasm
• Supports standard ETTs and supraglottic airways devices
• Sensors detect depth of intubation
• Realistic surgical trachea allows tracheostomy or cricothyrotomy
• Be the voice of HAL with wireless streaming voice
• Multiple upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing
• Supports assisted ventilation via bag-valve-mask
• Visible gastric distension with hyperventilation

• Visible unilateral chest rise with right mainstem intubation
• Automatic, spontaneous chest rise and pulses
• Control rate and depth of respiration and observe chest rise
• Ventilations measured and logged
• Gastric distension with excess positive pressure ventilation
• Select independent left and right lung sounds
• Chest rise and lung sounds are synchronized with selectable breathing patterns
• Unilateral chest rise simulates tension pneumothorax
• Supports needle decompression bilaterally at second intercostal
• Supports chest tube placement bilaterally
• Multiple lung and breath sounds with volume control

• eCPR™ Real-time CPR performance monitoring Time to CPR ◦ Compression depth/rate
◦ Chest recoil
◦ Compression interruptions
◦ Ventilation rate
◦ Excessive ventilation
◦ Time to defibrillation
◦ CPR assisting tones

• Durable chest recoil design
• Conductive skin regions support defibrillation and pacing with live energy and real equipment
• Deliver electrical therapy to conductive skin patches or snap connectors
• Monitor ECG in real-time using real equipment
• Real end-tidal CO2 capability (option S3040.50.078)
• Multiple heart sounds, rates, and intensities

• Programmable central cyanosis
• Automatic bilateral carotid and femoral pulses and left brachial and radial pulse
• Pulse strengths vary with HAL’s blood pressure, and pulses are synchronized with the ECG
• Blood pressure can be taken on left arm using a modified cuff, palpation, or auscultation
• Detects placement of oxygen saturation sensor on left index finger
• Bilateral IV training arms
• Intraosseous access at right tibia

• Esophageal intubation
• Visible gastric distension
• Programmable bowel sounds

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S1000 HAL ALS and Emergency Care Patient Simulator