Clinical Chloe S222 – Nursing Care Patient Simulator with OMNI 2

Clinical Chloe with OMNI 2 is a full-body, adult-sized simulator with wireless control. It is designed for training general nursing clinical skills including CPR, tracheostomy procedures, bandaging, breast examinations, and more.



  •    Adult-sized, full-body patient simulator
  •    Specify light, medium, or dark skin tone at no additional charge
  •    Eye lids can be opened and closed; left pupil is dilated
  •    Simulated ear canal for otic drops and irrigation
  •    Upper and lower dentures for oral hygiene
  •    Soft, realistic face skin, hands, feet, fingers, and toes
  •    Articulating head, jaw, shoulder, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles
  •    Wig for training haircare exercises and surgical draping
  •    Interchangeable leg amputation stump for bandaging exercises
  •    Set of 2 interchangeable decubitus ulcers at gluteal region
General Features
  •    Built-in OMNI® 2 wireless connectivity
  •    Supports bathing and bandaging activity
  •    Pulses generated with manual bulb
  •    Supports supine and sitting positions
Airway Management
  •    Anatomically accurate airway including tongue, epiglottis, vocal cords, and esophagus
  •    Surgical site for tracheotomy procedure and tube placement
  •    Features realistic bronchi and lungs
  •    Permits nasal and oral intubation using standard adjuncts
CPR Training with OMNI® 2
  •    eCPR™ Real-time CPR quality metrics with performance reporting
    •      Compression depth and rate
    •      Ventilation rate
    •      Excessive ventilation
    •      No-flow time
    •      CPR cycles
  •    Realistic internal organs
  •    Realistic bilateral lung expansion with bag valve mask ventilation
  •    Nasal and oral tube placement
  •    Gastric tube feeding and suction
  •    Transverse colostomy, ileostomy, and suprapubic stomas to practice irrigation
  •    Opening for gastrostomy
  •    Interchangeable male and female genitalia
  •    Realistic urethral passage and bladder for catheterization exercises
  •    Enema administration capability
  •    Detachable and removable internal tanks
Injection Training
  •    Intramuscular injection sites in deltoids, quadriceps, and upper gluteal
  •    Intravenous training arm and hand with intramuscular and subcutaneous injection sites
Breast Palpation
  •    Interchangeable male and female chest inserts
  •    Breast palpation capability with 1 abnormal breast
Gynecologic Training
  •    Vaginal douching and pap smear exercises with realistic vagina and cervix
Optional – Blood Pressure Training Arm
  •    Auscultation
    •      Auscultate Phase I – Phase V Korotkoff sounds between systolic and diastolic pressures using real stethoscope
    •      Programmable auscultation gap
    •      Korotkoff sounds are automatically silenced if auscultation gap is selected
    •      Korotkoff sounds are responsive to the heart rate and the rate of cuff deflation
    •      Programmable blood pressure auscultation tutor
  •    Palpation
    •      Programmable, palpable radial pulse synchronized with heart rate
    •      Automatic return of radial pulse when cuff pressure is less than the selected systolic blood pressure