Victoria S2200 Meet the World’s Most Lifelike Childbirth Simulator

Designed to Deliver Exceptional Training Through a Truly Immersive Experience.
From early pregnancy complications, high-risk deliveries, and postpartum emergencies to non-gravid scenarios for general nursing care, Victoria simulates a full range of obstetrical events to facilitate teamwork and deepen critical thinking skills in learners of all levels. More than a childbirth simulator, Victoria is a complete simulation solution developed from decades of obstetrical experience. It is a comprehensive package of tools and support designed to help improve patient safety in women’s health through education and training.



• Tetherless and wireless; fully responsive during transport
• Wireless control at distances up to 300ft
• Internal rechargeable battery provides up to 10 hr. of tetherless operation
• Smooth and supple full-body skin with seamless articulating joints
• Lifelike joint articulation: neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle
• Internal high-capacity fluid reservoirs
• NOELLE® Fetus-Newborn wireless link capability
• Includes touchscreen tablet PC preloaded with UNI®
• Includes touchscreen virtual patient monitor and CTG

Neurologic Response
• Programmable blinking rate, pupil response, and bilateral and unilateral eye movement
• Interactive eyes can follow a moving object
• Seizures with selectable intensity levels
• Wireless streaming voice: be the voice of Victoria and listen to participants’ responses via a wireless headset
• Record and playback vocal responses in any language

• Head tilt/chin lift/jaw thrust
• Oral or nasal intubation
• Difficult airway: laryngospasm, tongue edema and pharyngeal swelling
• Airway intubation depth detection, logging, and reporting
• Esophageal intubation
• Selectable upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing patterns
• Supports BVM and mechanical ventilation

• Spontaneous breathing; selectable respiratory patterns and lung sounds
• Programmable respiratory rates and inspiratory/expiratory ratios
• Realistic chest rise during assisted ventilation
• Ventilation performance, real-time monitoring, reporting and logging
• Right mainstem intubation detection with automatic unilateral chest rise
• Real CO2 exhalation capable (CO2 Adapter S2200.078)

• eCPR™ Real-time compression and ventilation performance
• Effective compressions generate palpable pulses and ECG artifacts
• Select from an extensive library of preprogrammed heart rhythms with dysrhythmia options
• Real-time 4-Lead electrocardiogram monitoring using real ECG devices
• Defibrillation, cardioversion, and pacing using real energy
• Realistic heart sounds
• Programmable heart rate synchronized with ECG and pulses, even during pacing
• Display virtual 12-lead dynamic ECG rhythms

• Bilateral palpable carotid, radial, and brachial pulses are synchronized with heart rate and blood pressure
• Monitor oxygen saturation using real oximeters
• Measure blood pressure using a real manual or automatic blood pressure cuffs
• Bilateral venous access
• Automatic drug recognition detects medication type, dose, and rate injected into the lower right arm
• SubQ and intramuscular injection sites for placement exercises

• Maternal-fetal physiologic link
• Supports Leopold’s Maneuvers and external cephalic version
• Supports fetal monitoring using real devices
• Precision Delivery System: computer-controlled fetal descent and cardinal movements
• Programmable normal, breech, shoulder dystocia, instrument-assisted delivery and C-section
• Software activated selflubricating birth canal
• Realistic placenta with detachable fragments and umbilical cord
• Epidural placement and needle detection; palpable anatomical landmarks and skin layers
• Intrapartum bleeding
• Force sensor reports traction and torsion applied to the fetus in real time
• McRoberts maneuver, suprapubic pressure, Zavanelli, Woods’ Screw, and “hands and knees” position detection
• Births full-term neonate of realistic size and weight
• Active neonate: programmable heart and respiratory sounds, crying, cyanosis, and movement
• Replaceable episiotomy inserts support suturing
• Multi-layer fourth degree episiotomy with hemorrhaging vaginal sidewall tears and cervical lacerations
• Programmable uterine firmness and hemorrhaging; supports sutures and balloon tamponade
• Programmable hemorrhage flow control

• Selectable bowel sounds
• Internal fluid bladder with urethra for Foley catheterization exercises
• Rectum with suppository placement sensor