SUSIE S1001 – Nursing Care Patient Simulator and SLE Education Package

The new SUSIE S1001 is a wireless and tetherless patient simulator and learning resource package designed to help you deliver the most effective simulation learning experiences (SLEs) possible and ensure learners’ success. SUSIE is ready-for-use out of the box for rapid integration into nursing curricula of all levels.


  •    Full-body adult patient
  •    Tetherless and wireless; fully responsive during transport
  •    Wireless control at distances of up to 300 Ft. (100 m).
  •    Realistic joint articulation
  •    Compatible with optional vital signs patient monitor
  •    Preprogrammed speech responses
  •    Wireless streaming voice
  •    Oral and nasal endotracheal intubation/suctioning
  •    Sensors detect depth of intubation
  •    Esophageal intubation and logging
  •    Tracheostomy care
  •    Selectable airway sounds
  •    Tongue edema and larygnospasm
  •    NG/OG intubation and feeding
  •    Bowel sounds
  •    Patent stoma sites
  •    Colostomy, ileostomy, and stoma care
  •    Rectum supports enemas
  •    Male/Female catheterization
  •    Visible chest rise with BVM ventilation
  •    Ventilations are measured and logged
  •    Normal and abnormal lung sounds
  •    Programmable unilateral chest rise and fall
  •    Spontaneous breathing with selectable respiratory patterns
  •    Programmable respiratory rate and inspiratory/expiratory ratio
  •    Normal and abnormal heart sounds, rates, and intensities
  •    ECG monitoring using real devices
  •    eCPR™ sensors; Chest compressions and ventilations are measured and logged in real-time
  •    Monitor, capture, pace, and cardiovert using a real defibrillator
  •    Bilateral IV training arms and IM sites
  •    Measurable blood pressure and audible Korotkoff sounds
  •    Bilateral (automatic) carotid, radial, femoral, and pedal pulses
GYN and Breast Exam
  •    Advanced GYN exam with optional interchangeable uteri and cervices
  •    Practice breast examination techniques.
  •   Compatible with optional BSE training kit
  •    OB/GYN Skills training package
  •    SUSIE S1001 Patient Simulator
  •    Laptop PC preloaded with UNI® and 10 SLEs
  •    Consumables
  •    User guide
  •    Transport case