Surgical Chloe S2101 – Wireless Surgical Patient Simulator

Surgical Chloe S2101 is a completely wireless & tetherless, full-body patient simulator and course curriculum package designed to aid the training and assessment of the ACGME competencies in six areas including: patient care, medical knowledge, practice based knowledge and improvement, systems based practice, communication, and professionalism. Surgical Chloe allows the practice of GYN surgical procedures such as dermoid cyst and ectopic pregnancy removal, hysterectomy, and more using real instruments in a real surgical OR.


  •    Full-body, adult size patient
  •    Available in light, medium, and dark skin tones
  •    Built-in wireless connectivity with tablet PC
  •    Up to 4 hours of tetherless power from internal, rechargeable battery
  •    Articulating head, jaw, shoulder, knees, and ankles
Neural Responses
  •    Eyes open and Close Manually
  •    Wireless streaming audio & prerecorded responses
  •    Create and store vocal responses in any language
  •    Instructor can simulate patient’s voice and listen to caregivers’ conversation
  •    Multiple upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing
  •    Perform Bag Valve Mask ventilations
  •    Anatomically accurate airway including tongue, epiglottis, vocal cords, and esophagus
  •    Placement of conventional airway adjuncts
  •    Nasal or oral intubation
  •    Endotracheal intubation using conventional ETTs
  •    Place Nasogastric(NG) or Orogastric(OG) tubes
  •    Sellick Maneuver brings vocal cords into view
  •    Spontaneous breathing and chest rise generated by internal compressor
  •    Bilateral chest rise and fall
  •    Programmable rate and depth of respiration
  •    Normal and abnormal lung sounds synchronized with respiratory pattern and rate
  •    Artificial ventilation rate and quality detected and logged in UNI® software
  •    Monitor ECG with real equipment from 4 conductive skin regions
  •    Normal and abnormal heart sounds may be auscultated and are synchronized with ECG
  •    Multiple programmable heart sounds, rates, and intensities
  •    Compressions are automatically detected and logged
  •    Chest compressions generate palpable pulse and ECG artifacts
  •    Measure blood pressure by palpation or auscultation using real equipment
    •      Palpate radial pulses
    •      Use real cuff rather than “virtual” cuff
    •      Korotkoff sounds audible between Systolic and Diastolic pressures
  •    Bilateral pulse sites synchronized with BP and Heart Rate
    •      Carotid
    •      Brachial
    •      Radial
  •   Bilateral Intravenous(IV) arms with fill/drain sites
  •   Subcutaneous and intramuscular injection sites
  •   Realistic flashback with proper IV procedure
  •   Ovarian and Uterine arteries and veins with bleeding functionality
  •   Vital Signs reflect physiologic changes that occur with hemorrhaging during scenarios
  •   Oxygen Saturation detected using real monitors rather than a “virtual” value
Surgical Components
Laparotomy Abdominal Wall
  •    Included Abdominal Insert
    •      Multi-layer design replicates the skin, subcutaneous fat, fascia, muscle, and peritoneum
    •      Use real instruments for incision, dissection, and suturing
    •      Can be used at least four(4) times
    •      Incorporates bleeding
    •      Perform pfannenstiel or vertical incision
  •    Place laparoscopic trocars
Laparoscopy Abdominal Wall
  •    Includes eight(8) access ports on left(3), right(3), and midline(2) of abdominal wall
  •    Place Laparoscopic trocars
Bowel Insert
  •     Insert that can be placed over uterine assemblies for added realism
  •     Bowel can be pushed aside using standard techniques to access underlying structures
Uterine Assembly 1

•   Normal-sized uterus with ectopic pregnancy and uterine hemorrhage. Simulatres ruptured ectopic pregnancy with bleeding and severe vaginal bleeding from uterus

Uterine Assembly 2

•   Enlarged uterus with dermoid cyst and ectopic pregnancy. Simulates ruptured ectopic pregnancy with bleeding and realistic dermoid cyst

Uterine Assembly 3

•   Enlarged uterus with embedded fibroids. Simulates Embedded, bleeding fibroids, a simple cyst, and endometrioma

•   Additional procedures that are possible on all uterine assemblies include: unilateral oophorectomy, conization of the cervix, chromopertubation, hysteroscopy. Existence of blood vessels allows assessment of surgical knot integrity.

•   All uterine assemblies include ovarian and uterine veins and arteries, bladder, ovaries, fallopian tubes, peritoneum, ureters, perineum with integrated vagina, and round, uterosacral, infundibulopelvic, and cardinal ligaments.

Workbook by Martin E. Olsen, MD
  •     Workbook of ten(10) advanced scenarios and example surgical checklists:
  •      Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
  •      Pelvic Mass is Pregnancy
  •      Septic Abortion
  •      Bleeding Disorder – Von Willebrand’s Disease
  •      Post-operative hemorrhage after conization of the cervix
  •      Fire in the Operating Room
  •      Hypoxia in the Operating Room
  •      Cardiac Arrest in the Operating Room
  •      Anaphylaxis in the Operating Room
  •      Malignant Hyperthermia during surgery

UNI® Simulator Control Software

  • Automatically detects and logs actions of participants
  • View the actions of up to 6 care providers using a responsive menu or written narrative
  • Generate and share lab results
  • 11 pre-programmed scenarios which can be modified by the instructor even during the simulation
  • Create and edit your own scenarios
  • Change the vitals of the simulator on-the-fly with as little as two clicks
Virtual Monitor
  • 20” All-in-one touch screen PC to display vitals
  • Controlled via wireless, tablet PC
  • Use selected configurations or create your own configuration to mimic the real monitors used in your facility
  • Share images such as ultrasounds, CT scans, lab results, and patient charts
  • Display up to 10 numeric parameters
  • Display up to 6 dynamic waveforms
Optional Portable Fusion HD™
  •    Two (2) wireless cameras
  •    One (1) wired, mounted camera
  •    Audio, video and more…
  •    Up to 8 video and audio streams can be recorded along with 4 patient monitor feeds and a simulator log file
  •    Advanced search functionality, simultaneous multicomputer access and instant playback
  •    Integrated Monitor shows “patient” status, views of up to four cameras, operating system, and log of events
  •    Flexible
  •   Its compatibility with various wireless and wired cameras together with the ability to shoot multiple simulations simultaneously make the Portable Fusion HD™ the best option for simulations of all types and sizes
  •    Surgical Chloe™ Surgical Patient Simulator
  •    Control Tablet PC preloaded with UNI® (Microsoft Surface™ Pro 4)
  •    UNI® License including 11 scenarios
  •    20″ Touchscreen All-in-one Monitor preloaded with Virtual Monitor Software
  •    RF Communications Module
  •    Battery charger/Power Supply
  •    Four(4) abdominal wall inserts
  •    Twelve (12) uterine assemblies, four (4) of each type
  •    Workbook by Martin E. Olsen, MD.
  •    Soft-sided case with rollers
  •    User Manual