Newborn HAL S3010 – Wireless and Tetherless, Full-Term Newborn Patient Simulator

Newborn HAL allows you to take advanced simulation where you need to go and that can be at an accident scene, in an ER, in a Labor and Delivery room, or in a NICU. “Care in motion” also provides the opportunity for you to measure how well patient “hand-offs” take place. What is done well and what needs to be improved?

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  • Available in ethnic skin tones
  • Tetherless and fully responsive even while being transported
  • Powered from an internal rechargeable battery or wall outlet
  • Battery capable of 300 recharges and operate the simulator up to 4 hours
  • Simulator receives commands from a wireless tablet PC and operate at distances up to 300 Ft. (100 m)
  • Option to operate automatically using Automatic mode or by the Instructor
  • Training Guide with both basic and advanced interactive scenarios
  • Use pre programmed scenarios, modify them or create your own quickly and easily
  • Installation and training worldwide
  • Simulation Made Easy™


  • Multiple upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing
  • Nasal or oral intubation
  • Right mainstem intubation
  • Sensors detect depth of intubation
  • Airway may be obstructed
  • Block right lung, left lung, or both lungs
  • Head tilt/ chin lift
  • Jaw thrust
  • Simulated suctioning techniques can be practiced
  • Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation
  • Placement of conventional airway adjuncts
  • Endotracheal intubation using conventional ETTs
  • Sellick maneuver brings vocal cords into view


  • Measure blood pressure by palpation or auscultation
  • Use real modified BP cuff to measure blood pressure
  • Korotkoff sounds audible between systolic and diastolic pressures
  • Pulse sites synchronized with BP and heart rate
  • Bilateral IV arms with fill/drain sites
  • Realistic flashback
  • SubQ and IM injection sites
  • Intraosseous access at tibia
  • Chest compressions are measured and logged
  • ECG monitoring using real devices; apply real electrodes to conductive skin regions
  • Multiple heart sounds, rates and intensities
  • ECG rhythms are generated in real time
  • Heart sounds synchronized with ECG
  • Dynamic rather than static 12 lead ECG display with optional Automatic Mode and Vital Signs Monitor
  • Fontanelle, umbilical and bilateral brachial pulses synchronized with ECG


  • Control rate and depth of respiration and observe chest rise
  • Automatic chest rise is synchronized with respiratory patterns
  • Select independent left and right upper lung sounds
  • Chest rise and lung sounds are synchronized with selectable breathing patterns
  • Accommodates assisted ventilation including BVM and mechanical support
  • Ventilations are measured and logged
  • Chest compressions generate palpable blood pressure wave form and ECG artifacts
  • Detection and logging of ventilations and compressions
  • Simulated spontaneous breathing
  • Variable respiratory rates and inspiratory/expiratory ratios
  • Bilateral chest rise and fall
  • Unilateral chest rise simulates pneumothoraces
  • Normal and abnormal breath sounds


  • ECGs are generated in real time with physiologic variations never repeating textbook patterns
  • Heart sounds may be auscultated and are synchronized with ECG


  • Pre recorded crying

Articulation and Movement

  • Seizure/convulsions
  • Muscle tone active, right arm only, left arm only, reduced and limp
  • Realistic rotation of the shoulder and hip joints
  • Legs bend at the knees
  • Supine or semi-recumbent positions


  • Central cyanosis
  • Color and vital signs respond to hypoxic events and interventions
  • Fill bladder and perform Foley catheterization
  • Interchangeable genitalia
  • Umbilical catheterization
  • Umbilicus with two arteries and one vein. Even practice cutdowns
  • Temperature probe placement
  • Insert feeding tubes
  • Auscultate bowel sounds
  • Remains fully functional even while in transit User Interface
  • Sensors track student actions
  • Changes in condition and care provided are time stamped and logged
  • View the actions of up to 6 care providers using a responsive menu or write narrative
  • Generate and share diagnostic lab results
  • File sharing through Vital Signs Monitor
  • Links with optional recording and debriefing system integrating the event log with cameras and patient monitor
  • Supplied with wireless tablet PC
  • Optional automatic mode
  • 20 pre programmed scenarios which can be modified by the instructor even during the scenario
  • Create your own scenarios – add/edit
  • Change simulator’s condition during the scenario